It has been 50 years since the first Surgeon General’s report was published with the news that smoking is bad for your health. Crossville, TN dentist Dr. Pamela Cain encourages her patients to quit smoking for their best oral health. Smoking has been linked to cancer, increased risk of strokes and other complex dental health concerns.
Oral Health & Smoking
Smoking can prematurely age the appearance of your smile. Nicotine causes discoloration and yellowing of teeth. Smoking can also cause fine lines and wrinkles around your lips. Habitual smokers may appear older than they are due to the side effects of smoking.
Tobacco products stunt saliva production. Saliva production is essential to your oral health. Saliva washes away debris and keeps your moral bacteria in balance. Smoking may lead to dry mouth. Dry mouth is a common cause for increased tooth decay and cavity development in adults. Cavities, if left untreated, may require advanced dental treatments.
Smoking is linked to an increase of developing gum disease. A serious medical condition, gum disease can lead to habitually bad breath, receding gums and even tooth loss. Gum disease has also been tied to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease. Routine oral health care, like brushing, flossing, and routine visits to our Knoxville dentist office, can help prevent gum disease. Dr. Cain offers periodontal screenings that can help catch gum disease in its early stages. Dr. Cain will suggest an individualized treatment plan depending on your gum disease progression.
Oral cancer is much more common in those who smoke. Oral cancer is a potentially life threatening disease that is directly linked to the use of tobacco products. Dr. Cain performs routine oral cancer screenings at every dentist office visit. Early diagnosis of oral cancer could be life saving. If you notice white patches on your gums, be sure to schedule a visit to our Knoxville dentist office.
Do not ignore the signs of poor oral health, early diagnosis is essential in avoiding advanced dental restoration procedures. If you are experiencing tooth pain, notice white patches on your gums, experience frequent sensitivity or notice a strange smell or taste to your mouth, schedule a visit to our Knoxville, TN dentist office.