Recovery from Oral Surgery

Oral surgery can be a necessary step to keep your mouth and your smile healthy. Whether you’ve had periodontal plastic surgery or gum tissue procedures, a smooth recovery is essential. There are best practices for recovering from these types of oral surgeries. Therefore, you can help improve your recovery to provide the best results and reduce your discomfort. 

Recovering from oral surgery may seem daunting. But, with the right knowledge and care, it can be a smoother process.

Recovery from Oral Surgery

Recovery After Gum Plastic Surgery

Periodontal plastic surgery is often used to improve the look of your gums. This procedure can also correct gum recession

Follow Instructions: Your oral surgeon will provide you with specific instructions to follow after surgery. It’s crucial to adhere to these guidelines. For example, this may include dietary restrictions to protect your gums. You may also need medication schedules to help your pain.

Manage Discomfort: It’s normal to experience some discomfort after periodontal plastic surgery. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce pain. However, you need to avoid aspirin. This is because it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Soft Diet: Stick to a soft diet for a few days to avoid putting excessive pressure on your gums. Opt for foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies.

Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene, but be gentle around the surgical site. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to protect your gums. Also, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater as instructed by your oral surgeon.

For most oral procedures, smoking and alcohol can also hinder the healing process. So, it’s best to avoid them during your recovery.

Recovery After Tissue Grafts

Tissue additive procedures involve adding grafts or materials to restore missing or damaged tissue. 

Take It Easy: Rest is crucial during the initial stages of recovery. Avoid strenuous activities for a few days to allow your body to heal.

Medications: Follow your prescribed medication regimen, including antibiotics and pain relievers. These will help prevent infection and manage discomfort.

Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after tissue additive procedures. Applying ice packs can help reduce swelling, but be sure to follow your surgeon’s recommendations.

Diet: Again, your diet is important for recovery. You need a soft diet to avoid excessive pressure on the surgical site. Nutrient-rich foods can aid in the healing process.

Oral Hygiene: To prevent infections, you need to maintain good oral hygiene. Also, you need to be gentle around the surgical area. Your surgeon will guide how to do this safely.

Recovery After Tissue Extractions

Tissue subtractive procedures involve removing tissue, such as tooth extractions or gum surgeries. 

Post-Op Care: Follow your surgeon’s instructions for immediate post-operative care. This may include biting on gauze to control bleeding and avoiding certain foods and drinks.

Pain: Over-the-counter or prescription painkillers can help to manage discomfort. Anti-inflammatory medicine can also help relieve pain and reduce swelling. 

Swelling: Swelling is common after these procedures. You may want to use ice packs to help reduce swelling. It can also speed up the recovery process.