Pinhole Gum Surgery Maryville, TN

Pinhole Gum Surgery An Overview

If you suffer from gum recession, Dr. Robert Cain offers the minimally invasive Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST). Dr. Cain is one of the few dentists in the Maryville, TN area who is a certified provider of Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST), invented and patented by John Chao, DDS, MAGD.

The Pinhole® Surgical Technique makes it possible for Dr. Upadya to reshape your gum line without the use of a scalpel or sutures. This new method of treating receding gums makes it easier for a dentist to give you natural looking results in less time.

Dr. Cain uses this non-invasive method to effectively treat receding gums with minimal discomfort and downtime at his Knoxville, NJ dentist office.

Treating Receding Gums in Maryville

Gum recessions occurs when the fleshy tissue around your teeth begin to pull away, or recede. This will eventually expose the roots of the tooth. When this occurs, it could affect your overall and oral health.

Gaps will begin to develop around the teeth and the gums allowing disease causing bacteria to build up. If left untreated, the teeth and the bone structure will suffer and possibly even lead to tooth loss.

Receding gums is caused by jaw clenching, teeth grinding, forceful brushing but the most common cause seen by dentists is gum disease. This disease is caused by plaque that builds up on the tooth surface when a person does not regularly care for their teeth and gums.

Proper oral hygiene involves both brushing and flossing daily. If you notice that your gums are receding, it is important to seek treatment to prevent further damage to your gums, teeth and bone structure.

Pinhole Gum Surgery What to Expect

Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST) in Maryville TN

The Pinhole® Surgical Technique is a scalpel-free and suture-free way to treat gum recession. This microsurgical, gum rejuvenation procedure has proven to be the least invasive way to move the gums back over the exposed tooth roots.

Dr. Cain will begin the procedure by numbing the area to be treated with a local anesthetic. He will make a small, needle sized hole in the gums and use a special tooth to gently loosen the tissue.

Dr. Cain will then gently move the gum tissue down over the exposed tooth roots. He will shape the gums to create a full, natural looking gum line. This will not involve cutting the gums so sutures will not be necessary.

Most patients report very little discomfort during and after the one to two hour long procedure. Because it is minimally invasive, there is little to no swelling or bleeding. Downtime is minimal and most patients experience immediate, natural and aesthetically balanced results.

Schedule a Dental Exam Today

If you suffer from gum recession, contact Dr. Cain today for a consultation. Using the Pinhole® Surgical Technique, he can adjust your existing gum tissue to properly cover the exposed roots.

As one of the only periodontists in the Knoxville area who offers this revolutionary procedure, Dr. Cain attracts patients from many of the surrounding communities including Maryville, TN.