Candidate for Sinus Lift?

You’re at the dentist’s office, and they mention something called a “sinus lift surgery.” But who needs this kind of surgery, and what does it even do? When you are on the road to replacing teeth, you may need more than just implants. 

Candidate for Sinus Lift?

Understanding the Sinus

Sinuses are air-filled spaces in our skull, right above our upper teeth. Sometimes, when we lose a tooth or have other dental issues, these sinuses can get in the way of certain dental treatments, like getting dental implants.

When Is a Sinus Lift Needed?

So, who might need a sinus lift? Here are a few reasons:

When you lose a tooth, especially in the back of your mouth where your molars are, the bone in that area can start to shrink. This bone loss can make it hard to place a dental implant without touching the sinus. A sinus lift helps create more space for the implant.

Some people naturally have thin jawbones or experience bone loss due to gum disease or other dental issues. A sinus lift can build up the bone height, providing a stronger foundation for implants.

The size and position of your sinuses can also affect whether you need a sinus lift. If your sinuses are too close to where the implant needs to go, a lift can move them up and out of the way.

Who’s a Candidate?

Now that we know why someone might need a sinus lift, let’s talk about who might be a candidate for this surgery:

If you’re planning to get dental implants, especially in the upper back teeth (where the molars are), and there’s not enough bone height due to the sinus being too close, a sinus lift might be necessary.

If you’ve experienced bone loss in your jaw due to missing teeth, gum disease, or other dental issues, a sinus lift can help build up the bone for implant placement.

Some folks naturally have thin jawbones, which might not provide enough support for dental implants. A sinus lift can add more bone for a stronger foundation.

If your sinuses are naturally large or positioned in a way that interferes with dental implant placement, a sinus lift can move them to make room.

How Does the Surgery Work?

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly happens during a sinus lift surgery? Here’s a simple breakdown:

Preparation: Before the surgery, the dentist or oral surgeon will take X-rays to study the structure of your sinuses and jawbone. This helps them plan the procedure.

Incision: During the surgery, the dentist makes a small incision in your gum tissue, exposing the jawbone.

Lifting the Sinus: Next, they gently push up the sinus membrane, creating a space between the jawbone and the sinus. This space is then filled with bone graft material, which helps promote new bone growth.

Healing: Your body will work its magic, gradually turning the bone graft material into new, strong bone. This healing process can take several months.

Implant Placement: Once the new bone is strong enough, you’ll be ready for dental implant placement. This can happen during the same surgery or in a separate procedure, depending on your dentist’s recommendation.