Patients often visit our office looking for more information on how to straighten their smile. We often suggest Invisalign as a discreet treatment option for mild to moderate orthodontic concerns. As your trusted cosmetic dentist in Knoxville, TN, we wanted to provide some additional information about Invisalign. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding Invisalign.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a set of multiple clear, plastic aligners worn over a period of time. These aligners are designed custom to your smile using dental impressions. They slowly apply pressure to your teeth and encourage them to shift into a straighter position. Because of the clear material they are made from, Invisalign offers a discreet treatment alternative to traditional braces. With traditional braces, metallic brackets and wires are firmly attached to your teeth surfaces for the duration of your orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign, no one will be able to tell you are undergoing treatment unless you remove your aligner in front of them.
What are the benefits of Invisalign?
Besides the fact that Invisalign is a discreet treatment option, the aligners are also removable. Their removability offers two major benefits that our patients enjoy the most: no dietary restrictions and no additional steps in your oral hygiene routine. With traditional braces, patients must avoid sticky, chewy, or crunchy foods for the duration of their treatment as many foods will damage their orthodontics. Additionally, braces require extra time spent during your oral hygiene routine to ensure no food is stuck in the brackets or wires. However, with Invisalign, you simply remove the aligner to eat, drink, or brush your teeth throughout the day. This makes the overall orthodontic experience more convenient and comfortable for patients.
How long will my Invisalign treatment last?
This depends on the starting point of your smile. Most of our patients will see a noticeable difference within 12-15 months. Another major benefit to consider with Invisalign is a significantly less amount of time spent in the dental chair throughout treatment. With traditional braces, the wires must be tightened by your dentist every few weeks to ensure that your treatment progresses accordingly. With Invisalign, you are given all of your aligners and instructions from your dentist on when to progress to the next set. You will still have to come in for some check-up appointments throughout your treatment plan, but it will be far less time spent in the dental chair overall.
Who is a good candidate for Invisalign?
A good candidate for Invisalign is someone who’s teeth, gums, and jawbone are healthy enough to undergo orthodontic treatment. Additionally, some orthodontic concerns may require more extensive treatment than Invisalign is able to offer. An Invisalign consultation is a good way to find out if you are a good candidate for this treatment plan. Dr. Pamela Cain is a Knoxville area Invisalign provider. Schedule an appointment today. During your consultation, Dr. Cain will be able to answer any additional questions you may have about this treatment option.